A consultation has been launched to impose a 20mph speed limit on all central London roads managed by Transport for London (TfL).
The scheme, set to be implemented in May next year, is seen as a central role in the mayor’s Vision Zero ambition to eradicate deaths and serious injuries from London’s transport network and would see a new 20mph limit along 8.9 kilometres of main roads including Millbank, Albert Embankment, and Borough High Street by May 2020.
The speed limit will also be introduced at Aldgate Gyratory, which is on the boundary of the Congestion Charge Zone.
TfL said the lower speeds were “vital to protect people walking, cycling and riding motorcycles” and that “cutting speeds from 30mph to 20mph is expected to significantly reduce the likelihood of death and serious injury” from a collision.
Others initiatives, such as increasing the height of pedestrian crossings in seven high-risk locations areas with a high number of pedestrians, including near the busy Embankment and Tower Hill Tube stations and outside Tate Britain.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said:
‘Each year more than 4,000 people are killed or seriously injured on London’s streets. The evidence is clear – lowering speeds on the most dangerous roads saves lives. The proposed 20mph speed limit on TfL roads within the Congestion Charge Zone and at Aldgate Gyratory will protect people walking and cycling and other road users in the busiest part of the capital.
We asked users on Twitter for their opinions on the latest proposals, which received mixed responses, with one user in support of the proposals, and others questioning the logic and practicality of the 20mph speed limits being enforced all over Central London.
Completely support speed limit reduction. Reduces casualties 20%, reduces noise up to 10db (heard as half as noisy), less polluting, better for everyone. City of London have agreed 15mph max. https://t.co/pOi9wfotML reply by 10 July — Anna Semlyen (@AnnaSemlyen1) June 19, 2019
Be nice to go bit faster. Can’t wait. — JB (@jonthecabby01) June 19, 2019
Completely pointless,when its busy u get nowhere near 20&when roads are empty its stupidly slow.V little policing,they sit at, for example,London wall,a rd as wide as some uk motorways&catch people@26, inappropriate not excessive speed is real problem but thats much harder2police — incognito78 (@MarkyMark1978H2) June 19, 2019
It’s good that you want cyclists to go less than 20mph. I agree. — Taximan (@taksyman) June 23, 2019
Steve McNamara, from the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association, has hit out at the proposal, stating that the limit will make little difference:
‘Most people would love to go as fast as 20mph in the middle of London.
‘Average traffic speeds are 6mph in the centre – we have the lowest traffic speed of any city in Europe, barring Moscow.
‘I can’t think of anywhere in central London it would make any difference at all, at least in the daytime. Those roads are all at a virtual standstill.’

Steve Garelick, GMB’s regional spokesman, believes the speed limits could see night time delivery drivers and moped riders suffer:
‘There is hardly any traffic on the roads at night and those drivers rely on getting their loads dropped off quickly.
‘The stats don’t always stack up – some of these lower speed limits have been rolled out on non-TfL roads across London and we haven’t seen a reduction in accidents.’
The consultation on the proposed 20mph speed limit scheme opened on 5 June 2019 and will close on 10 July 2019. Those who would like to have their say can email consultations@tfl.gov.uk or call 0343 222 1155.