Plan Insurance Blog

Men united – prostate awareness 2015

Plan Insurance supports prostate awareness 2015

March has seen the annual high profile appeal to raise prostate cancer awareness. Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men in the UK.  As a specialist commercial vehicle insurance brokers at Plan Insurance Brokers there is a strong cross over between our client base and the majority of those afflicted by this deadly disease. For that reason we are keen supporters of their “Men United” campaign.
The “Men United” Campaign aims to galvanise the UK’s male population to join the struggle against prostate cancer. There are around 40,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in the UK each year. That equates to more than 100 men diagnosed with this disease every day. It mainly affects men over the age of 50, and the risk increases with age.
Every hour one man dies from prostate cancer – that’s more than 10,000 every year. However, if caught early, prostate cancer can be treated with an excellent future prognosis for the patient.
Peter Georgiades is Chairman of specialist Commercial Vehicle Insurance Brokers, Plan Insurance Brokers. Peter and his Rotary Club annually organise Prostate Awareness evenings. On average, 7% of those tested are referred to their GP for further investigation.
A Prostate Awareness evening would normally include:
An advanced PSA blood test
An informative video presentation
The opportunity for a personal discussion with a Consultant Urologist & Urology Nurse

We see this as an important part of ongoing activities in providing service to the community and highlighting to all men the importance of taking care of their health.

– Peter Georgiades; Chairman at Plan Insurance

Prostate Cancer UK is the UK’s leading charity for men with prostate cancer and prostate diseases. They provide vital support and information, helping not only those men diagnosed with prostate cancer but other prostate diseases.
Along with fighting to help more men survive the disease, Prostrate Cancer UK help sufferers enjoy a better quality of life.  They find answers by funding research into causes, tests and treatments of the disease. They lead change, raising the profile of all prostate diseases and contributing to improving their care.

How can our commercial vehicle insurance clients get more information?

Prostate Cancer UK believes that men deserve better.
If you are concerned and wish to speak to someone their UK-wide telephone number is 0800 074 8383. An on-line helpline is staffed by specialist nurses dedicated to supporting anyone with questions or concerns about prostate cancer and prostate problems.
All services for men are also open to their family and friends.